Livermore Measure U Threatens Access to Care

Measure U seeks to limit the amount that a physician, hospital, clinic, or other health care providers can charge for patient care to 115% of the cost of treatment. The initiative uses a definition of �cost� that excludes all managerial functions that are not directly related to providing patient care. The measure will also add an extra layer of regulations that forces the City of Livermore to administer this new regulation, costing taxpayers money and may potentially put other public services at risk. The ACCMA has joined local health care providers to form the Protect Livermore No On U coalition to ensure that Livermore physicians can remain in practice and to preserve patient access to care.

To support the ACCMA in strongly opposing this ballot measure, you can:

  • Publicly oppose Measure U by adding your name to the growing list of health care providers who are opposed to this measure.
  • Display or distribute campaign materials in your office.
  • Participate and engage in our media trainings.
  • Walking precincts and talking to neighbors.
  • Send in a quote as to why you oppose Measure U, which can be accompanied by your name or image.

For more information, please contact the ACCMA or consider joining the ACCMA at (510) 654-5383.