AB 2132: Required TB Screening for Adult Patients

A new California law that took effect January 1st, AB 2132, mandates that patients aged 18 and older receiving primary care services be offered tuberculosis (TB) screening if risk factors are identified, provided these services are covered by their health care plan. If a TB screening test is positive, health care providers must offer follow-up care or refer the patient to another provider. Importantly, providers are protected from disciplinary actions or liability for non-compliance. Additionally, the bill requires Medi-Cal managed care plans to ensure access to care for latent and active TB and coordinate with local health departments for enrollees with active TB. For practicing physicians, this means an increased responsibility to screen for TB and ensure appropriate follow-up care, while also being shielded from legal repercussions for non-compliance.

For more information about the law, visit: AB 2132: Health care services: tuberculosis. | Digital Democracy

For a 4-step guide about the law and how to implement it, visit: