2023 Legislative Re-Cap

The 2023 California Legislative Session has come to a wrap, and we are happy to share some of our wins and information on what to expect in 2024. To view the full 2023 Legislative recap from CMA, please scroll to the bottom of the page.

Major 2023 Wins 

  • Medi-Cal Reimbursement Rates – ACCMA and CMA were successful this year in advocating for the largest influx of new Medi-Cal dollars the state has ever invested into the program. The funding is based on the renewal of the Managed Care Organization (MCO) Tax, which allows the state to tax managed care plans to draw down federal funding to support the Medi-Cal program. 

  • AB 1570 (Low) – AB 1570 would have allowed optometrists with minimal training to infringe on the scope of ophthalmologists, including widening their scope to allow them to perform surgery and use lasers. ACCMA and CMA lobbied against the bill and forcing it to become a two-year bill and must be acted upon by January 2024 or the bill will be considered dead.  

  • SB 487 (Atkins) – SB 487 prevents providers from having their Medi-Cal provider eligibility threatened by states with abortion bans. Governor Newsom signed this bill into law on September 27, 2023. 

What to Expect in 2024 

  • Ballot Initiative to Expand Access to Health Care – CMA and the Coalition to Protect Access to Care have filed a statewide ballot initiative with the CA Attorney General’s office to expand access to health care for millions of Californians. This initiative would make the Medi-Cal provider rates increases that were included in the 2023-24 budget deal permanent. It will expand access to health care for Medi-Cal patients, which will result in reduced emergency rooms usage, and shortening wait times for all Californians. It will increase funding for mental health programs that care for children and Medi-Cal patients. And it will enable California to manufacture its own insulin and other prescription drugs to increase affordability for Californians.  

  • CMA and ACCMA’s Annual Legislative Day – Please join us as CMA hosts its 50th annual Legislative Advocacy Day in Sacramento on Wednesday, April 10, 2024.  

2023 Congressional Meetings Recap 

Over the last couple of months, ACCMA held meetings with all their Members of Congress to discuss the critical need to co-sponsor legislation that addresses physician shortages, to improve patient access to care, and to share how medication drug shortages are affecting our patients. We want to personally thank all our Members of Congress for taking the time to meet with our members. Our Members of Congress are: 

  • Congressman Josh Harder – We want to personally thank Congressman Harder for co-sponsoring HR 2389 (Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2023). 

  • Congressman Mark DeSaulnier 

  • Congresswoman Barbara Lee 

  • Congressman Eric Swalwell – We want to personally thank Congressman Swalwell for co-sponsoring HR 2389 (Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2023). 

  • Congressman Ro Khanna