Say Yes to Prop 35!

ACCMA, in partnership with the California Medical Association (CMA), other component medical societies, and a broad coalition of health care organizations, will be working hard this fall to ensure Proposition 35 is approved by voters in the November 5th election.  

Health care dollars should be spent on health care. Prop 35 will extend an existing tax on Managed Care Organizations (the “MCO tax”) that has been in place for nearly two decades to leverage billions in federal funds for California. Prop 35 will prevent the state from redirecting these funds for non-health care purposes, capping administrative costs at 1% and ensuring the remaining 99% is spent directly on expanding access to health care. Prop 35 also restricts the legislature from increasing taxes on private health insurance plans, thereby protecting health care consumers from higher health care premiums.          

When enacted, Prop 35 will generate between $6-9 billion annually to:  

  • Expand access to care by substantially increasing reimbursement rates for primary care and specialty care, bringing rates closer to Medicare levels 

  • Reduce wait times and alleviate overcrowding in emergency rooms and urgent care facilities 

  • Fund more GME residency programs to address the physician shortage 

  • Fund loan repayments for physicians and allied health professionals 

  • Help hire more first responders and paramedics to reduce emergency response times 


Physicians are trusted messengers across regional and partisan lines and are important advocates to ensure California votes Yes on 35 to protect and expand access to health care. Here are some key actions you can take: 

  • Share Your Story: In your own words, tell why you support Prop 35. 

  • Post on Social Media: Share with your friends and family why you are voting #Yeson35. 

  • Order Campaign Swag: Request campaign materials for you to show your support. 

  • Email a Friend: Tell your friends and family why you support YES on 35! 

  • Download Materials: Get the latest campaign materials. 


Visit to take action and learn more about Prop 35.